Photo of THELMA LEONOR ESPINAL Dominican Republic

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Thelma Leonor Espinal visual artist and cultural manager Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic, 1976. Featured artist of the generation of the 90's with a proven track record and participation in major competitions, biennials and exhibitions of contemporary art in the country. Received awards and recognition in the area. With more than 50 exhibitions in the DR, his works have been exhibited in countries like:...

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Photo of THELMA LEONOR ESPINAL Dominican Republic

Thelma Leonor Espinal visual artist and cultural manager Santiago de los Caballeros, Dominican Republic, 1976. Featured artist of the generation of the 90's with a proven track record and participation in major competitions, biennials and exhibitions of contemporary art in the country. Received awards and recognition in the area. With more than 50 exhibitions in the DR, his works have been exhibited in countries like: Spain, Argentina, Chile and Switzerland. Realizsu first solo: "The house of us all" in 2000 Casa de Arte, Santiago. Participation in biennials and art contests, such as: XX IXX, XVIII and XVII Art Contest presentation Eduardo E. Len Jimenez, the XXII Visual Arts Biennial of the Museum of Modern Art, The First Biennial Art Museum nickel Palette Cndido Bidya the partipacin in parallel shows the IV and V Caribbean Biennial organized by the Museum of Modern Art in Santo Domingo, among others. His works are published in major volumes of art, including:, Dominican Women and Art, Dominican Art 1844-2000 and the historical context, both written by Jeannette Miller. Twentieth century Dominican Visual Arts / The Twentieth Century in Dominican Visual Arts, Volume III, Gerny Cndido 1844 - 2002, Contemporary Art and unconventional in the Dominican Republic, by the art critic: Jeannette Miller and Mara Urgarte. He has received important awards, including in 2000: First Place and Honorable Mention in the National Young Painters Competition for his country. 2001 - Scholarship for the Community of Madrid to represent DR in Latin American Painting Workshop, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain. She holds a degree in Marketing with a specialty PUCMM Graduate Cultural Gestin by the Ministry of Cuba and the Dominican State University, RD visual estudiarte School of Design Altos de Chavon and the School of Fine Arts, Ascom multiple courses of prints, drawings and ceramics, are recognized by practitioners and teachers of art of their country. It desempeo for 3 years as Director of the Department of Visual Arts Cultural Center of Santiago, and since 2007 as Director of the School of Fine Arts in Santiago. WORKS IN COLLECTIONS: Collection of Latin American art of the Community of Madrid, Spain. Molinaro art studio in Argentina. Centro Cultural de las Condes community in Chile. Group E Len Jimenes, Santiago, Dominican Republic Casa de Teatro, Sto Dgo, RD Association for the environment, HELVETAS, RD and Switzerland EXHIBITIONS 2000 - The House of All of Us, Casa de Arte, Santiago de Los Caballeros, RD 2006 - On the island, Individual Large. Circuit exhibitions: La Galera, Santo Domingo, Punta Cana Art - Punta Cana and Culture Center Santiago.

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